[name of this planet]Let's just call it "Anbrumia" for now... I don't really like this name but I don't have a name for it yet ok


Basic background to understand the world

Anbrumia is a planet with (so far) a main continent and some islands.

island map

*Basic introduction of locations here. They are described in more detail in other pages. AUs are also described elsewhere*

What da heck is anbrum

A liquid called anbrum runs below the ground. It is the main source of energy. The core of anbrumia generates anbrum out of thin air (idk man laws of thermodynamics don't exist or something like that?). Inside of anbrumians, anbrum runs in the body and has special vessels for that. Right next to their heart is a pouch that stores anbrum. Anbrumians won't die when out of blood (but they will be unable to do pretty much anything, just that their brain is still ok) because anbrum is a source of energy and also regenerates body tissues. However they will absolutely die if they are unable to keep anbrum in their bodies (anbrum pouch deterioration comes with old age).

Anbrumians can absorb anbrum from the ground. They can simply touch the ground and absorb anbrum. The time it takes depends on how efficient the person is with anbrum control, and what material the ground is.

Anbrumians still need to eat food. They can survive with only absorbing anbrum when needed but it is going to make them unhealthy and they feel terrible if that's their only diet.

Anbrum glows. It also shows through the skin. Anbrumians have stripes that run across their skin. It's similar to Sirens in Borderlands games, where they have "tattoos" on their arm.

Anbrum also flows through hair. Long hair is important for anbrum control. People with longer hair can contain more anbrum in their bodies.

Anbrum levels and control

The energy level of anbrum can be increased. They are set into distinct levels and colours. Each level comes with their own speciality/skill, but these skills do not stack. For example, a person with mastered black anbrum powers cannot do the same level of healing as green anbrum users.

Anbrumians can be trained to go to higher anbrum levels but cannot go back down.

From low to high:
white - green - purple - black - red - blue - (gold)
(gold is extremely high and only hypothetical.)